
GUI News
Aua K-Scheme!!!
Heated Debates on Aqua

Cool Links
Apple Computer - 'nuff said.
Bungie - the creators of Myth. - kick someones ass online!
Star Wars Official Site - 'nuff said.
MacOS Rumors - Mac rumors - I didn't take their name!
Drop Kick Murphys - my favorite band.
Hotline Software - makers of Hotline.
HotlineHQ - Hotline search engine.
MacAddict - the magazine's site.
Iconfactory - they started it all.
Hacker News Network - hacking news.
Ufomind - paranormal stuff.
Icon Cow - icon news. - Apple Script.
Pixel Press - great icons!!!
Epoch Icons - great desktops.
InterfaceLift - a site with humble origins. - cool icons!

Spy Icons - home of the Hero Icons
ResExcellence - Hack your Mac!

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I WANT TO BELIEVE desktop - 01.22.2000
I had been watching the tape I made of the X-Files Thanksgiving Marathon and I decided to make a desktop. After about 2 hours I came up with this Believe Desktop Picture. It now comes in 1024x768 for you PowerBook users. Thanks to Ilona for reminding me to put in previews, so from now on all desktops will come with previews!
Redesign, updates and more - 01.17.2000
I'm back and I'm better than...I'm back! I got a new look that sorta copies Hacker News Network. I'm kissing those time consuming frames goodbye and just using a bar on the side of each page. Hope you find this easier to load and I know it'll be easier to update.

I am announcing that I shall now take user submissions from anybody. You can submit desktops, icons, ResEdit hacks, Themes, AppleScripts or even software. But, please, no porno or illegal stuff.

I've got a new desktop in honor of my favorite band, the Dropkick Murphys.

Check out my submissions to the Hero Icons!